Construction Process Video

Figure 1-Drawing Tree
Heating Element
Figures 2-4 to the left show the construction of the heating element bearing sub-assembly. The process and creating of the bearings changed very drastically over the course of constructing the oven heating system. As can be seen in figures 2 and 3 the bearings started at the top of the oven enclosure and changed from triangular to spherical shaped bearings. Figure 4 shows the final completed bearings placed at the bottom of the enclosure.

Heating Controls
Figures 5-8 to the left show the construction of the heating controls sub-assembly. Figure 5 shows the initial enclosure made from steel however due to the steels high durability it was very difficult to work with, so it was switched out for aluminum instead. The remaining figures show the overall construction of the temperature controller enclosure used to house the temperature controls.
Oven Power/Wiring Box
Figures 9-13 to the right show the construction of the oven power/wiring box sub-assembly. Figure 9 shows how the heating elements are wired to the terminal block before being placed into an electrical box. During construction/wiring two new parts were added to the overall construction including a new solid-state relay and a fuse holder. Figure 12 shows the completed wiring inside the box and figure 13 shows the overall completed oven.